Beef Jerky Recipe206

How To Make Beef Jerky or Even A Vegetarian Jerky

This natural beef jerky recipe is the perfect way to bring meat along when refrigeration isn’t available. It is simple, delicious, and good for you. You can also substitute your favorite veggie in place of meat, and use this recipe to make vegetarian jerky.

Natural Lawn Care114

Learn To Keep A Great Looking Lawn, Naturally!

These natural lawn care tips will help you have a beautiful lawn without all the expensive, harmful chemicals. And don’t forget, long stretches of lawn invite bats and bluebirds, both of which are voracious mosquito and other bug eaters!

Companion Planting227

Companion Planting: 5 Great Plants for Your Garden

The practice of companion planting–or purposefully planting things together–can enhance the beauty, health, growth, and flavor of your harvest. Scratch open a bare patch of soil, let it be for a few weeks, and you’ll see how nature intended companion planting!

Growing Lavender154

Seven Plants You Can Grow for DIY Beauty Projects

Growing lavender and these 6 other perennial plants, provides me with the ingredients to make numerous salves, lotions, soaps, and fragrances for my home. Plus, nothing beats the convenience of having these ingredients at my fingertips.

How to Make Lipstick314

Learn How to Make Natural Homemade Red Lipstick!

Learn how to make lipstick and take your homemade beauty skills to the next level! This red lipstick recipe has a velvety, smooth, and thick texture. It also has a rich red carmine color so you can make a bold, yet sophisticated, impression on a night out.

Edible Flowers Viola odorata478

Using Violets for Your Dinner Table and Medicine Cabinet

Violets (Viola odorata) are edible and medicinal flowers packed full of Vitamin C, calcium, and magnesium. We like to use the flowers to make salads, tea, syrups, infused vinegar, poultice, tincture, and even eat them candied!

Dealing with Grief Naturally272

Dealing with Grief Naturally Using Herbal Remedies

Dealing with grief naturally, and using herbs for grief, are practices that have been around for thousands of years. Since I love to go to nature for whatever I need, let’s take a look and see what help nature can provide when we’re dealing with grief.

Folk Medicine144

Folk Medicine: Finding What Works & What is Fable

Folk medicine doesn’t have to be based on coincidence and strange superstition. By its very definition, it was a vast collection of what the common folk did to keep themselves alive. Let’s take a look and discover which work and which are fable.

Medicinal Flowers371

Picking, Eating, or Drying Flowers for Use as Medicine

Medicinal flowers can mean quite a few things. Today we’re talking about the simple act of just picking, eating, or drying the flowers for use as medicine–not to be confused with the specialized medicine form called flower essences.

Homemade Mother's Day Gifts113

DIY Natural Mother’s Day Gifts to Give This Year

Each year I think ahead about fun homemade Mother’s Day gifts. I feel strongly about giving attention to mothers, because I know how hard they work. And now that I have a child of my own, I realize the importance of honoring moms on this special day!

What is Colloidal Silver375

What is Colloidal Silver and How to Use it Safely

What is colloidal silver? Is it safe to use? What are the benefits? We answer all these questions and more so you have a full understanding of the topic and can decide how and when to use colloidal silver for optimal health.

Growing Horseradish575

Growing & Using Horseradish For Food and Medicine

Let’s talk about growing horseradish! What do you think of horseradish? Do you hate the taste of it and how it burns your mouth and nose? Do you love it on everything except chocolate cake? I am in the latter camp and can’t get enough of it. I am determined to make more converts.

Aloe Vera Uses375

How to Grow, Harvest, and Use Fresh Aloe Safely

Aloe vera uses range from external cuts and burns to internal use as a digestive aid. Whatever you’re using it for, be sure to practice these safe use guidelines, and consider growing your own so you can control how it is harvested thus avoiding harmful carcinogens.

Homemade Hummus309

Homemade Hummus: Simple, Delicious, & Healthy

Homemade hummus? Yes! With all the health benefits you could call hummus a wonder-food. And since making it at home is as easy as getting out your food processor, you’ll never have to worry about buying it at the store again!

Sore Muscles Sore Joints Stiff Joints470

Homemade Balm for Sore and Stiff Muscles and Joints

These natural solutions will help with sore muscles, sore joints, and stiff joints. You can make them at home and the ingredients are simple and easy to find. The active ingredients get below the skin and into the muscle or joint.

Garden Tool Maintenance70

Garden Tool Maintenance: A Garden Tool Checkup!

Like with all tools, garden tool maintenance is important. When I put my garden tools away for winter, I clean them off but usually forget about them until spring rolls around. Today I vow to take better care of them! Care to join me?

Perennial Vegetables238

My 5 Favorite Perennial Vegetables for Your Garden

This year, put away the tiller and plant some perennial vegetables. You will eat earlier, work less, and build your soil all at once! Delicious edibles pop up with the first warm days allowing you to eat fresh garden produce much earlier than normal.

Homemade Drawer Freshener1250

Natural Beeswax Drawer Freshener for Your Clothes

I made this homemade drawer freshener because I was tired of the harmful chemicals used in commercial fabric softeners and detergents to mask odors in clothing. The ingredients in my recipe are natural and they work!