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Black Elder Itchy Rash Remedies153

Black Alder for Itchy Rash Remedies and Much More

The Black Alder tree has many health benefits including: blood cleanser, lymphatic tonic, anti-inflammatory, pain reliever, and much more. Learn more and also learn how to alleviate itchy rash with Black Alder.

Child Garden98

Children’s Garden Ideas and How to Get Kids Involved

I’m often asked how to plant a child garden, and how to get kids more involved with gardening. My main strategy is to excite their senses and to include them as much as possible, because kids love being involved! Here are 6 plant ideas to get you started.

Growing Lavender159

Seven Plants You Can Grow for DIY Beauty Projects

Growing lavender and these 6 other perennial plants, provides me with the ingredients to make numerous salves, lotions, soaps, and fragrances for my home. Plus, nothing beats the convenience of having these ingredients at my fingertips.

Inflammation Back Pain Herbs Rememdies333

Natural Herbal Therapies For Your Aching Back Pain

This article focuses on herbs as a natural anti inflammatory therapy, especially for back pain. With proper diet and exercise, herbs can help the body recover much more quickly. The following are my favorite herbs for both internal and external applications.

Calendula Officinalis525

Calendula Uses and Homemade Calendula Infused Oil

Calendula Officinalis–a versatile, useful, medicinal plant species–is a powerful group of pretty plants, useful in soap making, lotions, balms, and more. Also included is a Calendula Infused Oil recipe!